Prentice Hall Human Geography Videos on DVD

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Staying Alive

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DVD Contents

Blue Danube?

This video follows the Danube River through Eastern Europe, examining both Communism's legacy and the current conflict between commercial interests and environmental concerns.

Staying Alive

In the developing world, women are still at serious risk of death during childbirth and pregnancy. This video examines plans to reduce maternal mortality in Bangladesh.

Cash Flow Fever

Immigrants living in the USA send millions of dollars back to El Salvador each year. This video investigates their lives and their money's impact on their home villages.

Roma Rights

Roma communities in Europe have experienced centuries of persecution and racism. This video looks at both their hard living conditions and their rich culture.

The Barcelona Blueprint

This video explores how Barcelona, Spain, has become a model for how to revitalize a fading industrial city through strong planning and radical redevelopment.


This video investigates the lives of Dalits, the 'untouchables' of the Hindu caste system. Although discrimination by caste is illegal in India, social inequality persists.

Srebrenica - Looking for Justice

In July 1995, Serbian forces led a massacre in the Bosnian village of Srebrenica. This video examines the aftermath and the attempts to convict those held responsible.

The Outsiders

Under Soviet rule in Eastern Europe, young people's lives were defined by rigid structure. This video explores how freedom has brought both opportunity and uncertainty.

The Trade Trap

Many barriers to international trade have fallen, but now the developing world faces new challenges. This video examines Ghana's attempt to compete in a global market.

The Coffee-Go-Round

Coffee demand is growing worldwide, but coffee growers are in crisis. This video travels to Ethiopia to see how global overproduction threatens traditional farmers.

Geraldo's Brazil

This video investigates the effects of globalization through the story of Geraldo da Souza, an auto plant worker in São Paolo, Brazil.

Kill or Cure?

This video examines how a change in India's drug patent law has threatened both the country's pharmaceutical industry and the health of patients relying on low-cost medicine.

Slum Futures

This video provides a vivid picture of the slums of Mumbai (Bombay), India, and investigates efforts to rehabilitate these impoverished communities.

Warming up in Mongolia

This video looks at Mongolia's consumption of fossil fuels as the country undergoes modernization. Is the current situation sustainable, and can new technology improve it?