
Social Sciences - Religion

About Philosophy
Seventh Edition

Robert Paul Wolf
University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Book Cover

Table of Contents

The most widely-adopted introduction to philosophy text for two decades, this classic text introduces the major fields, problems, theories, and personalities of philosophy through the biographies and writing of leading thinkers.

Presents philosophy as an activity whose guiding principle is reason and whose goal is critical self-understanding.

Begins each chapter with a biography of a great philosopher, and combines simple, clear explanations with short selections from classic texts.

Explains in a clear, uncluttered manner not only WHAT the great philosophers said, but WHY they said it; why they felt compelled to think about their moral, scientific, religious, or logical problems as they did.

Concludes each chapter with a Contemporary Application that relates the philosophy to important issues of current concern such as AIDS, abortion, obscenity, or creationism.

Features a major chapter on the Philosophy of Science.

Accompanied by About Philosophy, one ABC News Video segment presenting a Contemporary Application for each chapter that demonstrates how classic philosophy connects to contemporary issues.

NEW-- For the first time, includes a presentation of topics related to Medical Ethics as the second half of the chapter on Ethics. Among these topics are:

    The scarcity of medical resources. The purchase or sale of human organs in organ donations The amount of information a doctor should tell a patient.

NEW-- Combines the chapters on Political and Social Philosophy.
NEW-- Presents new end-of-chapter "Contemporary Applications," including physician-assisted suicide; same-sex marriage; and affirmative action.
NEW-- Material on alternative philosophies has been integrated into several chapters, including What is Philosophy? (chapter 1) and Social and Political Philosophy (chapter 3).
NEW-- Reflects a strengthening of feminist theory throughout the book.

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