
Index of Canadian Trade Titles

Cover Design The Immune System Cure
Lorna Vanderhaeghe, Patrick J. Bouic, PhD

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Harness the Power of Your Immune System in 30 Days

What causes one person to catch a cold or flu and another to avoid it? Why does one person with HIV live without symptoms and another develop AIDS and succumb quickly? What allows someone to be incapacitated by allergies? Why do serious outbreaks of infectious diseases leave some individuals untouched? The answer lies with our immune system. Bolster your immune system and allow it to do the job that nature intended: Fight Disease.

The Immune System Cure provides simple techniques for supercharging your immune system through diet, stress management, and nutritional supplements. Adopt the recommended strategies and you will harness your body's ability to combat and prevent disease.

You will learn about:

  • 10 super immune boosting nutrients
  • the foods that harm and the foods that heal
  • how to avoid the common cold or flu
  • how to avoid the side-effects of chemotherapy
  • how to protect your children from disease
  • the benefits of avoiding antibiotics
  • common fats that can kill you
  • the top healing fats.

About the Authors
Lorna Vanderhaeghe is a health journalist who has been researching and writing on the subject of nutritional medicine for over fifteen years. She is editor-in-chief of Healthy Living Guide, a newsstand magazine in Canada. She is also senior editor for the Encyclopedia of Natural Healing, and winner of the Benjamin Franklin award in 1998. Her expertise in orthomolecular medicine came from working for five years under the direction of Abram Hoffer, MD, PhD. She is also co-author with Udo Erasmus, PhD, of The Right Fat Diet, to be published in 1999.

Patrick J. Bouic is a leading immunologist at Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, South Africa. For more than a decade Professor Bouic has been researching the effects of plant sterols and their sterolins on human health. He is a well-known and respected researcher in the field of immunology and he has published many scientific papers. Professor Bouic's research on the power of sterols and sterolins to stop T-cell counts from dropping in HIV infected individuals may change the way immunosuppressed patients will be treated in the future.


The Immune System Cure









Book Type:



5-7/8 x 9




Health, Nutrition