
Index of Canadian Trade Titles

A Naturopathic Approach to the Transitional Years
Karen Jensen, ND

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A Must-Read for Women in Their 30s, 40s, 50s

Written by a Canadian Naturopathic doctor, this is the first book to offer natural solutions to maintaining optimum health throughout the transitional years. It explores the current myths and misinformation surrounding many of the traditional medical treatments for menopause and encourages readers to focus on prevention and overall good health, rather than relying on traditional and potentially dangerous hormone or drug treatment.

You will discover:

  • how proper diet, lifestyle, and physical and spiritual exercise can better prepare women for the transitional years
  • how plant-based compounds, such as soy isoflavones, can offer safe and effective treatment for hormonal symptoms related to peri-menopause, menopause, PMS, cardiovascular disease, and osteoporosis
  • more information on the multi-dimensional aspects of our health, and ways to develop a well-rounded approach to long-term wellness.

This book takes the position that the menopause transition does not have to represent the beginning of the end for most women. In fact, by maintaining a solid foundation of good health and nutrition in both the peri-menopause and menopause years, many of the problems associated with the transition can be drastically reduced. It can truly be seen as a new beginning.

About the Authors:
Dr. Karen Jensen, ND is a graduate of the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine and is the current President of the Alberta Naturopathic Association. She has a thriving clinic in Calgary and is a well-respected writer and speaker. Dr. Jensen is a frequent guest on radio and television, representing the concerns of naturopathic doctors and their patients. Blending scientific knowledge with practical clinical experience, Dr. Jensen brings the philosophy and scientific application of naturopathic medicine to the general public.

Title: Menopause: A Naturopathic Approach to the Transitional Years
ISBN: 0-13-020819-1
Copyright:  © 1999
Pages: 256
Book Type: paper
Format: 5-7/8 x 9
Price: $19.95
Subject(s):  Health, Nutrition