
Index of Canadian Trade Titles

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Investment Traps and How to Avoid Them
A Canadian Guide to Savvy Investing
Hilliard MacBeth

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The idea of actively managing one's own investment portfolio is a daunting one. We've been conditioned by an onslaught of advertising to believe that our financial futures are best left to large, faceless corporations and that to consider anything else would be financial suicide. This view, according to investment guru Hilliard MacBeth, is just one of several traps investors fall prey to which can actually be a detriment to long-term financial goals.

Clear, concise and accessible, Investment Traps and How to Avoid Them, guides the average investor past some of the most common traps that lie in wait for the unwary.

Areas covered include:

  • what makes mutual funds into traps
  • true diversification and how to get it
  • why trying to time the market inevitably fails
  • how to tell an investment coach from a salesperson
  • using the natural advantages of the individual investor
  • practical advice to keep your investing personality from getting the better of you

About the Authors
Hilliard MacBeth has worked in the financial services industry for over twenty years. A vice president at a major Canadian investment dealer and a former chairman of the Investment Dealers' Association of Canada, Hilliard is perfectly suited to the task of guiding the novice and expert alike around the many pitfalls along the road to financial security.

Title: Investment Traps and How to Avoid Them: A Canadian Guide to Savvy Investing
ISBN: 0-13-022258-5
Copyright:  ©2000
Pages: 240
Book Type: paper
Format: 5-7/8 x 9
Price: $21.95
Subject(s):  Investing, Personal Finance