
Index of Canadian Trade Titles

Women & Passion
M. Sara Rosenthal

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How passion can make your life richer and more satisfying

What are the consequences to women of suppressing passion—or indulging in it? And how can women rekindle and harness passion for a richer, fuller, healthier, and more satisfying life?

Through interviews with women such as Jane Goodall, Margaret Trudeau and Jeanne Beker, among others, Women & Passion author Sara Rosenthal explores the roots, fruits, and consequences of passion lost, passion denied, and passion found. Close in spirit to Gail Sheehy's Passages, readers of Women & Passion will quickly recognize the universal cycles of romantic passion, and aspects of their own patterns and behaviours. They will discover not only how they got where they are, but how to get out (or move on) to a fuller and richer stage in their lives.

A sampling of what's inside:

  • the absence of passion: the social and situational triggers of depression
  • unhealthy passions: why women will sometimes seek out affairs, and what they can do to pull themselves up and out
  • when passions fade: the importance of balancing passions and routine
  • passion fruits: the costs and rewards of living life more passionately

About the Author:
M. Sara Rosenthal is a professional health writer, teacher, and author of 13 health books, including Women of the '60s Turning 50, The Thyroid Sourcebook, Managing Your Diabetes, and The Gynecological Sourcebook. Her books have won rave reviews from The New York Times and The Ladies Home Journal, among other publications. An associate of the Centre for Health Promotion at the University of Toronto—a World Health Organization Collaborating Centre—Sara is involved with lobbying for better public health policy and disease-prevention guidelines. She frequently lectures, and appears as a health expert on television and radio shows across North America.

Title: Women & Passion
Edition: 2001
ISBN: 0-13-088404-9
Copyright:  ©2000
Pages: 208
Book Type: paper
Format: 5 1/2 x 8 1/2
Price: $24.95
Subject(s):  Self-help