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Rubric for Reducing CO2

September 2001
Reducing CO2 Menu
Achievement Task






Knowledge and understanding

-is able to describe and understand examples of GHGS, their sources, the methods used to reduce emissions, and the technologies involved.

- is able to make recommendations regarding methods of GHG reduction based on research and experimental evidence

-used stoichiometry and gas laws to calculate volume of CO2 in Soda water


limited ability:

-to describe and understand examples of GHGS, their sources, the methods used to reduce emissions, and the technologies involved.

- to make recommendations regarding methods of GHG reduction

- to use stoichiometry and gas laws to calculate volume of CO2

some ability:

-to describe and understand examples of GHGS, their sources, the methods used to reduce emissions, and the technologies involved.

- to make recommendations regarding methods of GHG reduction

- to use stoichiometry and gas laws to calculate volume of CO2

considerable understanding demonstrated by:

-descriptions of GHGS, their sources, the methods used to reduce emissions, and the technologies involved.

- recommendations made regarding methods of GHG reduction

- use of stoichiometry and gas laws to calculate volume of CO2

thorough understanding demonstrated by:

-descriptions of GHGS, their sources, the methods used to reduce emissions, and the technologies involved.

- recommendations made regarding methods of GHG reduction

- use of stoichiometry and gas laws to calculate CO2 volume


-uses technical skills and procedures accurately and safely

-thoroughly researches all GHGs, their sources and their methods of reduction

- interprets data accurately

-draws conclusion based on experimental evidence

-able to describe sources of error

-uses skills and procedures with limited accuracy

- little evidence of research

-interprets data with limited accuracy

-little support for conclusion and few sources of error described

-uses skills and procedures with some accuracy

- some evidence of research

-interprets data with some accuracy

-conclusion supported to some degree by data and some sources of error included

-uses skills and procedures with considerable accuracy

- evidence of considerable research

-interprets data with considerable accuracy

-conclusion well supported by data and included a number of sources of error

-uses skills and procedures with a high degree of accuracy

- thorough research

-interprets data with high degree of accuracy

-conclusion highly supported by data and many sources of error included


-research summarized in an appropriate format

-procedures clearly described

-communicates observations in graphs and includes accurate calculations

- report uses appropriate scientific and chemical terms, is suitable for web site, and is well written and organized

-a complete reference list is included and reference citations are in APA style

-research poorly summarized

-procedures poorly described

- graphs and calculations are incomplete

- scientific terms used with limited accuracy

- report poorly written with few references; not in web site format

-research partially summarized

-moderate description of procedures

-graphs and calculations are complete

- scientific terms used with some accuracy

- report average with some references; some attempt to follow web site format

-research well-organized

-good description of procedures; -graphs and calculations are well done

- scientific terms used with considerable accuracy

- report well written with references and follows web site format

- research very well organized

-excellent description of procedures

-excellent graphs and calculations

- scientific terms used with high degree of accuracy

- report very well written with many references and shows excellent formatting

Making Connections

-demonstrates an understanding of global warming and human and automobile impact on climate

-is able to analyze an issue such as global warming and make recommendations based on research and experimental results

- limited understanding of global warming and human impact on climate

-limited ability to analyze an issue and make recommendations based on research

- some understanding of global warming and human impact on climate

-some ability to analyze an issue and make recommendations based on research

- considerable understanding of global warming and human impact on climate

-considerable ability to analyze an issue and make recommendations based on research

- above average understanding of global warming and human impact on climate

-considerable ability to analyze an issue and make recommendations based on research



Last Modified 11/21/2001