
The most innovative biology textbook on the market!

Biological Science, Canadian Edition, brings together Scott Freeman's pioneering active learning approach with carefully selected coverage of Canadian issues and research. Each page of the book is designed in the spirit of active learning, asking students to apply critical thinking skills as they learn key concepts. Accounts of researchers designing and analyzing real experiments, carefully punctuated by thoughtful questions and exercises, train introductory students in doing biology.

  • Canadian Research textboxes provide current, interesting, and accessible Canadian examples that illustrate and extend the key concepts of Scott Freeman's excellent text and introduce students to Canadian biologists and their contributions to science.

  • Canadian Issues textboxes demonstrate key concepts from the text in a Canadian context; this approach drives home the content by letting students understand biology from a local perspective.

  • Unique storytelling approach emphasizes the processes of scientific discovery and experimental design, teaching students how to think like scientists. The hypothesis-testing focus of the text challenges students to consider the scientific method and think critically about the basis of scientific facts.

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